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Home Catalog Permanent Makeup and Tattoo Cartridge Needles 25/03 RSLT

PMU cartridge needles for lips

25/03 RSLT

20 pcs
5 pcs
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PMU cartridge needles for lips

25/03 RSLT

20 pcs
5 pcs



Aquarel technique




0.25 mm


RS — Round Shader

LT — Long Taper


Permanent makeup needle cartridges designed for dense filling of the lip area.

Use as a primary cartridge for dense coloring. A large number of needles provides a more aquarelle yet opaque effect.

Use as an additional cartridge on the second pass when working in the dense coloring / lipstick technique, for a more transparent and even filling of the lips.

You can change this configuration slightly by moving all the needles away from each other to a small distance. This should be done with a sterile, thin object (for example, a blade). This way, you can color the lips more evenly and lightly yet retain the optimal opacity.

Working with the bundle of 3 RS needles is safer since the risk of implantation at an excessive depth is low.

The cartridge contains a medium-hardness needle (medium/regular hardness is not marked). Locking system: Easy Click. Suitable for all tattoo and PMU machines.

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